Why does the devil attack Christians? Is it because he thinks that Christianity is the correct religion? We know of course that devil is religiously incorrect in all of his ways. He is a perverted former cherub, the fallen angel. He lost his job and was fired and cast down to the earth. By landing he made more chaos than ever. He always makes chaos every place he lands. He perverted good for evil, love for hate, faith for doubt, and life for death. He insists that he does not exist also and at the same time he wants to be worshipped.
Or there is another reason?
Why does the devil attack the Jew’s religion? Jews religion is a biblical religion.
The Communists are programming the people of the United States almost since the existence of the nation and when Bolsheviks took Russia and spread their propaganda abroad. Before the existence of Communism there were Illuminati, who are the foundation of Communism.
But with the communistic ruling the world already started when the tower of Babylon was built.
The Soviet Constitution had Separation Church and State. It was transplanted to the U.S. and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) worked hard on it and pushed it on our country.
Even the U.S. is the secular country but was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, on the Bible. Some called it a Christian country. It does make right that immigrants or their offspring or ideology should mess with the philosophy of our country.
Before the United States existed there was no other system to look upon as an example and create something new, which was different from the abusive kingdoms existing on the other side of globe.
Mr. Sousa pointed out in his book: What’s So Great About Christianity, the same thing: that Christianity was the first belief system that brought to mankind equality and freedom which even atheists cherish. God blessed America until it became a Marxist-socialistic Communistic contaminated country. Socialism is the complete opposite system to our free country. It is opposite in all of its ways. With the propaganda they managed to persuade people mainly in the schools that Socialism is good, but Communism is bad. The opposite is true. Socialism is only the introduction of Communism. It is the prelude of Communism.
Socialism and later Communism will own everything and control everybody by force. There will be no equality or freedom at all. Blind socialistic believers today do not see it at all. Hate is the one tool used to separate and divide and it does not see the truth. The system is nothing but a system of lies. Marxism-Leninism is responsible for the division of this country and all troubles we witness. They claim that evangelicals wanted to take over our government. But believers have always been in the government and it is the reason why it was working so well. They brought morality to the government and enforce the laws, not ruling by judges. They had a responsibility to do what they said they would do.
The increase in prices and money-hungry tendencies are a result of a materialistic philosophy. There is both the legal and illegal stealing of the money belonging to hard-working residents.
Chaos is here and the socialistic devil promised to fix it. Promises are promised and the stupid are rejoicing.
This socialistic witchcraft has put an evil spell on many Americans.
Come on; come home where we belong - to God. Our currency says: In God We Trust.